Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Well I have to admit, I fell off the bandwagon. I meant to lose the weight, but I let my Crohn's problems and general stress get in the way of my weight loss goals.

Anyway,  I finally moved out of my parent's house (yes, I was 26 and living with the rents still. This day of age it's pretty common though) and I have a really good job and stuff but lately have been really depressed.

I have so many people that love and care about me, and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I feel like finally I almost have everything in my life that I want, but I missing one thing.

It's weird, but I find myself relating to the characters of Sex in the City more and more. I used to think that show was annoying, but now that I'm older I really appreciate the characters and the questions it raises about being a women in modern society. Dealing with the expectations of being an independent women while trying to find the perfect relationship and start a family... it's very overwhelming.

I'm trying to just ignore that feeling of inadequacy and acknowledge everything I do have.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Video Idea!


I have to admit, with the stress from my job, my health and other things I haven't really had any time to post. Also, my diet plan has totally been de-railed. :(

I'm hoping to get back on track. Going to work out later on tonight and I'm going to go to the grocery store to get my diet back on track as well.

Anyway, a friend of mine actually saw my first video and encouraged me to make another one. I'm currently in the process of writing/researching for a new video on female professional gamers (or lack there of)

Anyway, I hope to post more soon, sorry about the hiatus and look forward to a new video!


Monday, January 2, 2012

26 pounds before I'm 26 - Day I forgot to keep track and I don't feel like counting

What' s up my 4 subscribed readers?

I haven't really posted anything lately. To be honest, I've been sick and depressed.

Christmas was good, except Christmas night I got sick. I've been having stomach issues and a sinus infection.

My career is also kind not going quite as planned at the moment either.

Everything has got me feeling pretty depressed and unmotivated.

I'm hoping that 2012 will be a better year. Help to get me on track health wise, career wise. I'm hoping to make some appointment for Grad School advisement this week.

Good thing is though the holidays didn't take their toll on my diet. I actually lost a few pounds. I'm currently down to 146. I'm hoping to get back to working out in a regular schedule in the next few days. I'm thinking about taking up a spinning class as well as Zumba and swing dancing on the weekends.

I'm going to make sure 2012 is a better year than 2011 for sure. :) Better attitude and persistence will pay off I'm sure of it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

26 pounds before I'm 26 - Day 16

Oh man!

I haven't posted in like a week! I also haven't weighed myself cause I'm worried I have gained weight :( Bad Kristen! Stupid Christmas and it's cookies and candy. I need to eat more vegetables! Tomorrow shouldn't be so bad. We eat Shrimp and Salmon on Christmas Eve in my family and I don't have anymore Christmas gatherings to go to.

Anyway, I have also had this skin reaction called Erythema Nodosum. It hurts like hell. It's mostly caused by my Crohn's. It's gone away, but I had no motivation to work out this week. I am def changing that next week.

I'm thinking about posting less often, but posting more meaningful posts, like things I learn a long the way. Most of my life is fairly boring so I should probably start having subjects that are my focus.

Anyway, time for me to sleep and dream about playing Skyrim on Christmas day...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

26 pounds before I'm 26 - Day 11

So, The Protomen concert was as awesome as I thought it would be.

The only problem was that they didn't play long enough.

I really liked the band I Fight Dragons as well.

Anyway, I am at my family's Christmas get together. I think I've been doing pretty well in not over indulging and staying away (mostly) from the carbs. I did have one cake-pop and some lefse, but otherwise have stuck to the veggies and meat.

I probably won't have time to work out today :( but tomorrow will be a night full of swing dancing! :)

Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching Star Wars before I go watch the TLC PPV. :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

26 pounds before I'm 26 - Day 10

So, OMG clubbing is a lot of fun!

I was the DD, so I drank a lot of Red Bull to make sure I would be awake. Of course, the Red Bull made me feel ugh after a while. When I got re-hydrated and took a few sips of some ginger ale I was ready to go.

The thing I realized: I can have fun on the dance floor all by myself. It's not like swing or blues dancing where you need a partner. You can go out on the dance floor and just dance your heart out. I mean, I danced with a bunch of random people eventually and it was awesome!

And I figure I would have been burning a decent amount of calories on the dance floor :)

Time for swing dancing lessons and for The Protomen concert!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

26 pounds before I'm 26 - Day 8

Tonight was Zumba night.

Yes, I realize my Zumba class is mostly filled with middle aged women, I don't care.

It's fun, it's a great workout. I really like my teacher too. She uses actual music instead of just the pre-made Zumba crap.

I mean, I probably wouldn't use most of the moves while club dancing, but maybe?

I don't have too much else to write about today other than according to Shape Magazine drinking dark beer is good for you because it has more iron in it than paler beers. Just gives me an excuse to drink my Guinness :)

I'll try to post this weekend, but I will be super busy.

Friday night I am going to a club with my friends Jess and Cory

Saturday early afternoon is my Swing dancing lesson with Eric

Later on Saturday is The Protomen concert with Jess, Kami, Mouse and Josh.

Sunday is watching TLC (Tables Ladders and Chairs) PPV with my friends Tony and Alex

Should be fun :) TTFN - Ta Ta For Now (Tigger, using internet acronyms since the 60's)